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ī - ǽð Q&A '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '占신얍' '' '�Œ' 'œ' '„' '' '' '' '' '>ī > Ͼ > > | 2006-08-11 | : admin 
ݼӺ & ߷ȯ Ʈ (CAD) ȸ : 4401
ݼӺ & ߷ȯ Ʈ
ī > Ͼ > CAD > UG | 2006-08-11 | : admin 
Compressed air as an energy carrier (ݼ) ȸ : 2805
Compressed air as an energy carrier Today, there is hardly a factory that can function without the use of compressed air. Pneumatic components generate movement and are important elements of mechan..
ī > Ͼ > ݼ > / | 2006-08-11 | : admin 
99 examples of pneumatic applications (ݼ) ȸ : 2611
99 examples of pneumatic applications The 99 examples in this book demonstrate what pneumatics can do by showing solutions in simplified form in a way that we hope will fire the imagination and e..
ī > Ͼ > ݼ > / | 2006-08-11 | : admin 
The Fluidic Muscle in application (ݼ) ȸ : 2670
The Fluidic Muscle in application How does a muscle actually function? Is it technically possible to reproduce a muscle? This question has already robbed many an inventor and project manager of s..
ī > Ͼ > ݼ > / | 2006-08-11 | : admin 
Clamping with compressed air and vacuum (ݼ) ȸ : 2723
Clamping with compressed air and vacuum Often small and inconspicuous, sometimes large and bulky, but always indispensable - such is the nature of clamping devices. These are used in the metalwor..
ī > Ͼ > ݼ > / | 2006-08-11 | : admin 
Sensors in production engineering (ݼ) ȸ : 2619
Sensors in production engineering Sensor technology, like micro-electronics and gene technology, has developed into a key technology. They make control systems sensitive, supply status and positi..
ī > Ͼ > ݼ > / | 2006-08-11 | : admin 
Rationalization of small workpiece feeding (ݼ) ȸ : 2625
Rationalization of small workpiece feeding Without order, modern production is impossible. The question always is: How can workpieces be brought from a disorderly state into the required orientat..
ī > Ͼ > ݼ > / | 2006-08-11 | : admin 
Modular pick-and-place devices (ݼ) ȸ : 2638
Modular pick-and-place devices   The phrase "handling technology" is derived from the word "hand" - and as we all know, the human hand is capable of a very great number of things. If we att..
ī > Ͼ > ݼ > / | 2006-08-11 | : admin 
Grippers and their applications (ݼ) ȸ : 2588
Grippers and their applications   It has been a long held dream by man to one day be free of the drudgery of the manual labour through the use of automatic devices. Needless to say, this vi..
ī > Ͼ > ݼ > / | 2006-08-11 | : admin 
ī - ǰȫ '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '占신얍' '' '�Œ' 'œ' '„' '' '' '' '' '>   201 | 202 | 203 | 204 | 205 | 206 | 207 | 208 | 209 | 210  
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