;* Here is a simple lisp routine to convert a lisp file to html in Visual Lisp format      *
(defun html-format (str) (vl-string-subst "&lt;" "<" (vl-string-subst "&amp;" "&" str)))
(defun c:lisp2html (/ file rf wf t1 str char i f argument)
 file (getfiled "Select Lisp File" (getvar "dwgprefix") "lsp" 0)
 rf (open file "r")
 wf (open (strcat (vl-filename-directory file) "/" (vl-filename-base file) ".html") "w")
 (write-line "<pre><font face=Arial color=black size=2>" wf)
 (while (setq t1 (read-line rf)) (setq str "" i 1)
  (while (<= i (strlen t1)) (setq word "")
   (while (not (member (setq char (substr t1 i 1)) '("" " " ";" "(" ")" """)))
    (setq word (strcat word char) i (1+ i))
   (if (= word "") (setq word char i (+ i (strlen char))))
   (if (= word ";")
    str (strcat str "<font color=purple><span style="background-color:white">" (html-format (substr t1 (1- i))) "</span></font>")
     i (1+ (strlen t1))
     ((member word '("(" ")"))
      (setq str (strcat str "<font color=red>") i (1- i))
      (while (member (setq char (substr t1 i 1)) '("(" ")"))
       (setq str (strcat str char) i (1+ i))
      (setq str (strcat str "</font>") f (= (substr t1 (1- i) 1) "("))
     ((= word """)
      (setq str (strcat str "<font color=#FF00FF>" word))
      (while (and (/= (setq char (substr t1 i 1)) "") (or (/= char """) (and (> i 1) (= (substr t1 (1- i) 1) "\") (or (= i 2) (/= (substr t1 (- i 2) 1) "\")))))
       (setq str (strcat str (html-format char)) i (1+ i))
      (setq str (strcat str char "</font>") i (1+ i))
     ((= word "'") (setq str (strcat str "<font color=#800000>'</font>")))
     ((= word "/") (setq str (strcat str "<font color=blue>/</font>") argument nil f nil))
     ((= word ".") (setq str (strcat str word)))
     ((numberp (read word)) (setq str (strcat str "<font color=green>" word "</font>") f nil))
     (f (if argument
      (setq str (strcat str (html-format word)) argument nil f nil)
      (setq str (strcat str "<font color=blue>" (html-format word) "</font>") argument (= (strcase word) "DEFUN") f nil)
     (T (setq str (strcat str (html-format word))))
  (write-line str wf)
 (write-line "</font></pre>" wf)
 (close rf)
 (close wf)
(prompt "nType "lsp2html" at the command prompt to run routine.")